5th Steering Committee meeting  [04.12.17]

The event took place at the Czech University of Life Sciences

The SARUD Steering Committee gathered together for the fifth time in Prague from the 30th of November until 1st of December.
The meeting was devoted to the achieved results of the project, first of all to the launching of the SARUD master´s program. The representatives of the national coordinators from Russia (Nina Kazydub, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin) and Kazakhstan (Nadezhda Meleshenko, Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University) reported on the study courses in sustainable agriculture and rural development, which started at the local agricultural partner-universities in the winter semester 2017. There were discussed issues related to the enrolled students, module contents and activities for further development of the curriculum, as well as involvement of practice partners.
Aleksandr Merzlov and Natalia Vorontsova from the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy presented the progress in designing the knowledge platform on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. The platform is to be launched at beginning of 2018; therefore, the partners are currently involved in the technical implementation and content elaboration.
During the sessions on quality control there were discussed issues related to the internal and external control. Moreover, there were planned measures to meet quality indicators according with the quality plan. Possibilities to participate in the International Conference on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education (ERiE) and subsequent scientific publications were mentioned during the session on dissemination. Furthermore, the SARUD coordination office from the University of Hohenheim (Germany) reported on manifold activities in terms of the project management. 
The next steering committee will be held online at beginning of 2018.

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