SARUD final conference  [03.05.18]

The topic of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, approaches towards its achievement current challenges and good practices were discussed by SARUD partners and external guests in innovative and interactive formats during the SARUD final conference at the Novosibirsk State Agricultural University on 3-4 May 2018.

Plenary session with experts from practice, science and education initiated a dialogue and experience exchange among the conference participants. Results of the SARUD project and in particular the new Master’s Programme on ‘Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development’ were presented by the project coordinator Prof. Dr. Martin Dieterich as well as by regional coordinators in Kazakstan – Dr. Naadezhda Meleshenko and in Russia – Prof. Dr. Nina Kazydub. Students of the first cohort from Kostanay, Ulan-Ude and Novosibirsk reported about their study experiences and shared the students’ prospective of the SARUD curriculum.

The afternoon formats intensified the discussion on the conference topic. During the market place ‘Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development – why does balance among the sustainability pillars play a role?’ and the panel discussion ‘Agriculture and regional development in RU and in KZ towards sustainability – how could challenges of the future be addressed?’ conference participants were invited to discuss urgent sustainability topics and to learn from experts and exchange experiences.

The second conference day started with an interactive round table with students. Conference participants could learn from the first hands about experiences of the SARUD students, challenges to study an interdisciplinary study programme and advantages to be a part of the Sustainable Rural Development community.

Despite the summary made during the final conference, the still ongoing SARUD project puts further ambitious targets for the consortium. Thus, the project partner jointly work on the scientific publication and continue promotion of the new curriculum to ensure enrollment of the second cohort of students for the SARUD Master’s study programme.


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