SARUD is the acronym for "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development", the title of the Erasmus+ KA2 project 561969-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP selected for funding by the European Commission in July 2015.
News and events
SARUD officially started [22.04.2016]
The kick-off conference of the SARUD project took place on the 19-22nd April 2016 at the Omsk State Agrarian University mehr
1st regional coordination meetings in Kazakhstan [02.03.2016]
The first regional coordination meeting on national level took place in Astanamehr
1st regional coordination meeting in Russia [27.02.2016]
The first regional coordination meeting on national level took place in Omsk on the 25-26th of Februarymehr