SARUD is the acronym for "Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development", the title of the Erasmus+ KA2 project 561969-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP selected for funding by the European Commission in July 2015.
News and events
SARUD project is presented at the meeting of "The German-Russian agripolitical dialogue" [06.12.2017]
The University of Hohenheim hosted a meeting with the representatives of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and rectors of Russian agricultural universitiesmehr
5th Steering Committee meeting [04.12.2017]
The event took place at the Czech University of Life Sciencesmehr
Kick-off of the MSc “Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development” [23.10.2017]
The brand-new master´s program in the frame of the “SARUD” project is launched in Russia and Kazakhstanmehr